N&C moves up a gear! 

We are extremely proud to announce that we have completed our first round of financing. With the support of the BPI and Crédit Agricole, this has enabled us to increase our financing capacity by more than €1M.

N&C is both:

A specialist consultancy, and its experienced consultants. We work alongside you and with the aim of boosting your revenues through Revenue Management.

A tech box, and its developers. Our teams work hard to offer you the best RMS there is, the one you can trust.

This round of funding will enable us to strengthen the development of our nugget revbell, our unique AI-enabled RMS, and amplify its marketing.

The recovery is here, the market is picking up, and customers aren’t waiting! We’ll be making a point of offering you even more new products, innovations and recommendations to help you manage your stocks effectively.

Today, we cover more than 25 sectors, with several hundred assignments and clients, and thousands of hours spent optimising. Tomorrow, N&C will be boosting its growth with even more sectors, new recruits and new offers on the agenda.

Once again, a big thank you to our Business Angels, our industrial partners and our investors for their support.

Another big thank you to our customers for their confidence in us every day. To our team, and to all the people who have supported us and helped us grow, without a doubt, despite a difficult period.

Growth is here, so get ready!

Keywords : Fund-raising, BPI, Crédit Agricole, consulting firm, RMS, revbell