N&C’s view, RM’s problems

Apart from the industries that are naturally eligible for the RM (Accommodation, Transport), we have had the opportunity to work in many other sectors: e-commerce, e-learning, cosmetic packaging, energy, money transfer, training organizations, equipment manufacturers, sports activities, design offices…

When you work for 20 sectors, you are legitimate to apply the approach to 10 others. The players who want to explore the RM are therefore happy to do so with us. They trust our ability to understand the essence of RM and Pricing, and our ability to apply the discipline to their environment, with its specificities and constraints.

The missions carried out

We are often involved in opportunity studies for the implementation of RM in a new environment. We make observations, produce short-medium-long term roadmaps with a gain/effort matrix, and propose the first quick wins:

  • Enrichment of a current tool
  • Setting up alerts
  • Stop certain value-destroying practices
  • Construction of RM dashboards
  • Measurement of the impact of discounts and special offers Analysis of margin erosion
  • Declination of classic RM levers and adaptation to the sector…

The topics are numerous and require a deep understanding of Revenue Management and a good immersion in the customer’s universe.