Revenue Integrity ensures that pricing conditions are respected, from booking to invoice collection.
Its concern is not the relevance of prices or pricing conditions but their proper application. It ensures that the processes are properly aligned throughout the marketing chain, which he may have to change if there are any holes in the system...
To detect all anomalous files
Refunds not provided for in the sales conditions, defective payments, incorrect application of discounts, incorrect commission rates, incorrectly configured packages, etc.! The scope of investigation of the IR is wide, it measures the extent of the lost turnover.
Improve the quality of end-to-end processes
It is a source of proposals for documenting processes, training teams, systematizing control points, locking down permissive systems, and changing practices that destroy value, such as abusive manual discounts.
Provide visibility
Its dashboards allow to see the turnover lost on each family of anomalies and their evolution over time. By encouraging good practices and alerting on drifts, it allows all teams to strive for excellence in the marketing and billing processes.